The Ultimate Google Cloud Certification Guide: Cheatsheet to GCP certifications

Rohit Ghumare
3 min readOct 12, 2023

Are you gearing up to ace your Google Cloud Certification exam? Our comprehensive “Google Cloud Certification Guide” is tailored for aspirants like you! Dive in to refresh your knowledge and stay ahead.

Why Choose Google Cloud Certification?

Before we delve into the core, understand that achieving a Google Cloud Certification can set you apart in the tech industry, validating your expertise in the rapidly growing cloud computing domain. You know, in today’s tech industry, it’s essential to show off your cloud computing skills. And that’s why getting certified with Google Cloud can help you stand out.

1. Unraveling GCP Core Services:

Compute Prowess:

  • Compute Engine: The heartbeat of IaaS offering VM solutions.
  • App Engine: PaaS magic that transforms app deployment.
  • Kubernetes Engine: Harnessing Kubernetes in its best avatar.
  • Cloud Functions: Embrace event-driven architectures.

Storage & Databases — The Backbone:

  • Cloud Storage: Where object storage gets real.
  • Cloud SQL: Relational…

